One Shot GS/DG
ID: 109
14 1 등급: 0
저자: Athenel87
생성: 17-04-2024
마지막 업데이트: 17-04-2024
빌드 유형: PvEvPPvE대인 전투
스탯 포인트
정렬 기준: 등급 날짜
Athenel87 17-04-2024 01:16

With This Build  Your Character has Nearly 18500 Max HP And Overal 450 Evasion. İf You Want To Be More Tanky You Can Choose Grieving Hand Of Death, as a Dagger.  At Least You Should Have Great Sword Mastery Level 10 ( Active Heavy Atack Chance 100) and Dagger  Mastery Level 10 for  Burst Damage. 

Skill Priority

Active Skills

Gaia Sword - Epic Level 5 (Activate Great Sword Passive and Dealing Max Damage)
Precision Dash - Epic Level 5 ( Active Mele Heavy Atack Chance 160)
Death Blow - Epic Level 5 ( Giving Maximum Damage )
Stunning Blow - Epic Level 1 ( Stun Targets and Activate Cold Warrior Passive - Not Neccesary to Epic Level 5)

Passive Skills
Robust Constitution - Epic Level 5 ( İncrease HP )
Vital Force - Epic Level 5 (Gives Mele Hit 396, Skill Boost 45)
Cold Warrior - Epic Level 5 ( Gives Heavy Atack Chance 288 , Mele Critical Hit )
Wraithful Edge - Epic Level 5 (İncrease Critical Damage %17)

PVP Main Skill Combo:  Camofloage Cloak  or Precision Dash - Stunning Blow - Gaia Sword - Death Blow - Ascending Slash - Guillotine Blade 
(Skill Combo Activates Great Sword And Daggers Passive  Nearly 12 Seconds Finally You'll One Shot Enemy With 1100 Mele Hit)

PVE Skill Combo : DaVinci's Courage -İnject Venom-Precision Dash - Stunning Blow - Gaia Sword - Death Blow - Ascending Slash - Guillotine Blade - Valiant Brawl-Predatory Strike - Brutal İncision - Frenzied Sword Dance


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