ID: 1850307479
Codex 任務 類型: 冒險 類別: 第10幕:似曾相識的惡夢 所需等級: 1 | |
先決任務 哈頓的痕跡先決條件 混亂中的公會會場在萊肯迴廊遇見了克萊。正在調查連續失蹤事件的克萊提議一起去尋找哈頓。和克萊一起解除萊肯的咒術後,發現了失去意識倒下的人。 執行列表 - 與克萊一起解除- 與克萊交談 - 利用野性力量解除 - 與克萊交談 - 離開萊肯迴廊 獎勵: - 50.000索蘭特幣 20,781 32,335 EXP |
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Kiriak 29-07-2024 16:06
To remove the spell activate the pillars with blue and yellow halfs of full moon.
In the second part of the puzzle you have to activate the pillars in the order of moon growing from crescent to half to full and back to half and to crescent. If you morph, you'll see an activateable rock with a clue in the room. Also, there is a circle on the wall with all phases of moon shown.
When you activate the correct one, it'll disappear from the circle. If the time runs out, just activate the Full Moonstone again and continue from the point you've stopped at.
In the second part of the puzzle you have to activate the pillars in the order of moon growing from crescent to half to full and back to half and to crescent. If you morph, you'll see an activateable rock with a clue in the room. Also, there is a circle on the wall with all phases of moon shown.
When you activate the correct one, it'll disappear from the circle. If the time runs out, just activate the Full Moonstone again and continue from the point you've stopped at.