ID: 1733341092
Blood Ritual
icon Codex Task
Type: Adventure
Category: Chapter 5: A Sacred Pledge of Blood
Required level: 1

Prerequisite Tasks
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Prerequisite for
His Name Is Jacque Hander
You went to the wine storehouse, but you were too late to stop the Blood Ritual. Rutaine said that if you kill the Vampire who attacked Sophia to prevent her from being turned into a Ghoul. To do that, you needed to borrow the Guardian's Pledge belonging to a Vampire Slayer. Stonegard Resistance Leader Jacque Hander had it.
Objective List
- Go to the Wine Storehouse
- Defeat the Ghouls nearby
- Take care of Sophia, who has collapsed
- Investigate the area where the Blood Ritual took place
- Speak with Rutaine
- Rare Base Material Selection Chest
102,388 EXP
- Rare Polished Crystal
102,388 EXP
- Rare Magic Powder
102,388 EXP

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