Level 1
New Adventure
Start Chapter 1: The Tragedy of the Casill Family
Pass rewards
Level 2
The Herbalist's Explanation complete
Explore Laslan
Raid Golden Rye Pastures (5)
Raid Windhill Shores
Pass rewards
Level 3
Pass rewards
Level 4
Explore Laslan
Raid Windhill Shores (5)
Pass rewards
Level 5
Pass rewards
Level 6
Use the icon shop
Purchase a World Tree Leaf from a Sundries Merchant (50)
Pass rewards
Level 7
New Adventure
Start Chapter 2: The Demise of the Gray-Fanged
Chapter 2: The Demise of the Gray-Fanged complete
Gather items (5)
Pass rewards
Level 8
Dynamic Event
Participate in Wolf Hunting Contest
Explore Laslan
Raid Blackhowl Plains (5)
Pass rewards
Level 9
Pass rewards
Level 10
Pass rewards
Level 11
Pass rewards
Level 12
New Adventure
Start Chapter 3: Veterans Never Die
Resistance Contracts
Resistance Contracts complete
Mystic Globe
Appendix ▶ Lucky Day complete
Explore Taedal's Tower
Appendix ▶ Ashien's Strange Painting complete
Dynamic Event
Participate in Starlight Stones Ritual
Explore Laslan
Raid Urstella Fields (5)
Pass rewards
Level 13
Pass rewards
Level 14
Pass rewards
Level 15
Pass rewards
Level 16
Elite Hunter
Defeat Giant Goblin Butcher
Pass rewards
Level 17
Explore Laslan
Raid Carmine Forest (5)
Pass rewards
Level 18
New Adventure
Start Chapter 4: The Terrific Trio of Carmine Forest
Pass rewards
Level 19
Elite Hunter
Defeat Queen Blood Spider
Pass rewards
Level 20
Dynamic Event
Participate in Lantern Seed Festival
Explore Laslan
Raid Nesting Grounds (20)
Dungeon Exploration
Raid Syleus's Abyss 1F-2F (5)
Dimensional Circle
Defeat Heliber
Pass rewards
Level 21
Pass rewards
Level 22
Pass rewards
Level 23
New Adventure
Start Chapter 5: A Sacred Pledge of Blood
Chapter 5: A Sacred Pledge of Blood complete
Elite Hunter
Defeat Chief Terror Bird
Pass rewards
Level 24
Failed Immortal
Defeat Morokai
Explore Stonegard
Raid Monolith Wastelands (25)
Pass rewards
Level 25
Pass rewards
Level 26
Pass rewards
Level 27
Elite Hunter
Defeat Flame Desert Wizard
Pass rewards
Level 28
New Adventure
Start Chapter 6: The Song of the Vienta Dwarves
Dynamic Event
Participate in Hidden Brown Mica
Lost Test Subject
Defeat Excavator-9
Explore Stonegard
Raid Abandoned Stonemason Town (25)
Pass rewards
Level 29
Dungeon Exploration
Raid Temple of Sylaveth (15)
Pass rewards
Level 30
Dimensional Circle
Defeat King Chimaerus
Pass rewards
Level 31
Elite Hunter
Defeat Giant Crystal Scorpion
Pass rewards
Level 32
New Adventure
Start Chapter 7: The Sandstorm Overlord
Dynamic Event
Participate in Desert Caravan
Explore Stonegard
Raid Moonlight Desert (25)
Pass rewards
Level 33
Vengeful Demonic Beast
Defeat Chernobog
Pass rewards
Level 34
Pass rewards
Level 35
Dynamic Event
Participate in Blood Mushroom Gathering
Explore Stonegard
Raid Sandworm Lair (25)
Dungeon Exploration
Raid Ant Nest (20)
Pass rewards
Level 36
Pass rewards
Level 37
Elite Hunter
Defeat Chief Sandworm
Pass rewards
Level 38
New Adventure
Start Chapter 8: The Demon's Smile
Explore Stonegard
Raid Daybreak Shore (35)
Pass rewards
Level 39
Pass rewards
Level 40
Elite Hunter
Defeat Pirate King's Chest Crab
Dimensional Circle
Defeat Lacune
Pass rewards
Level 41
Explore Stonegard
Raid The Raging Wilds (25)
Pass rewards
Level 42
Eternal Guardian
Defeat Talus
Elite Hunter
Defeat Temitran Chief
Elite Hunter
Defeat Stone Golem Chief
Pass rewards
Level 43
Dynamic Event
Participate in Stop the Mana Frenzy
Explore Stonegard
Raid Manawastes (30)
Pass rewards
Level 44
Dungeon Exploration
Raid Syleus's Abyss 3F-4F (5)
Pass rewards
Level 45
New Adventure
Start Chapter 9: A Pact of Fire and Darkness
Eye of Desires
Defeat Malakar
Elite Hunter
Defeat Evil Eye Sentry
Pass rewards
Level 46
Dynamic Event
Participate in Operation: Talisman Delivery
Explore Stonegard
Raid Akidu Valley (30)
Pass rewards
Level 47
Pass rewards
Level 48
New Adventure
Start Chapter 10: Nightmare Déjà Vu
Elite Hunter
Defeat Orc Shadow Elder
Immortal Armor
Defeat Cornelius
Pass rewards
Level 49
Pass rewards
Level 50
Dynamic Event - Laslan
Participate in Festival of Fire
Participate in Dark Destroyers
Dynamic Event - Stonegard
Participate in Requiem of Light
Participate in Lift the Moonlight Spell
Defeat Field Boss - Laslan1
Defeat Adentus
Defeat Grand Aelon
Defeat Ahzreil
Defeat Field Boss - Laslan2
Defeat Minezerok
Defeat Aridus
Defeat Nirma
Defeat Field Boss - Stonegard
Defeat Kowazan
Defeat Junobote
Dimensional Circle 1
Defeat Karnix
Defeat Shaikal
Dimensional Circle 2
Defeat Rex Chimaerus
Defeat Duke Magna
Dimensional Circle 3
Defeat Lequirus
Defeat Toublek
Rune Hammer
Defeat Dimensional Circle 2-Star Boss
Pass rewards
Level 51
New Adventure
Start Chapter 11: Wizard's Traces
Explore Talandre
Raid Quietis's Demesne (30)
Dynamic Event - Talandre
Participate in Blizzard Seal
Elite Hunter
Defeat Giant Goblin Slaughterer
Defeat Water Golem Commander
Defeat Frozen Water Golem Commander
Abyssal Terror
Defeat Daigon
Pass rewards
Level 52
New Adventure
Start Chapter 12: Monster Swamp
Explore Talandre
Raid Forest of the Great Tree (30)
Dynamic Event - Talandre
Participate in The Heaven Ceremony of the Great Tree
Elite Hunter
Defeat Infiltration Unit Captain
Defeat White Beard Ogre Shaman
Pass rewards
Level 53
New Adventure
Start Chapter 13: Shadow in the Black Mine
Explore Talandre
Raid Swamp of Silence (30)
Dynamic Event - Talandre
Participate in Healing Touch for Divine Beasts
Defeat Karchars
Elite Hunter
Defeat Hammer Marshark
Ancient Legend
Defeat Leviathan
Pass rewards
Level 54
New Adventure
Start Chapter 14: Sunset of Repentance
Explore Talandre
Raid Black Anvil Forge (30)
Dynamic Event - Talandre
Participate in Obsidian Acquisition Operation
Elite Hunter
Defeat Dwarf Commander
Commander of Madness
Defeat Pakilo Naru
Pass rewards
Level 55
Region Exploration 1
Raid Bercant Manor (30)
Defeat Treant Warrior Chief
Participate in Peipor Harvest Festival
Region Exploration 2
Raid Crimson Manor (30)
Defeat Mutant Killer
Participate in Best Way to Prevent the Worst
Manticus Brothers
Defeat Akman
Defeat Deckman
Dungeon Exploration 1
Raid Temple of Truth (30)
Defeat Guard Stone Golem
Defeat Crushing Stone Golem
Dungeon Exploration 2
Raid Bercant Mansion (30)
Defeat Immediate Commander
Defeat Guard Captain
Dungeon Exploration 3
Raid Crimson Mansion (30)
Defeat Eccentric Chef
Defeat Monster Wraith
Dungeon Exploration 4
Defeat Mutant Chef
Defeat Wraith Gatekeeper
Pass rewards