ID: 1720162581
Precious Blank Lithograph: Accessories
Required level: 1

Copy an Epic accessory onto it to create a Lithograph.
Sell price: gold293,081


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Level 55
Abyssal Contract Tokens
Use [Abyssal Contract Tokens] in a dungeon (20000)
Dimensional Circle - ★★★
Defeat King Khanzaizin
Dimensional Circle - ★★★
Defeat Limuny Bercant
Dimensional Circle - ★★★
Defeat Grayeye
Dimensional Circle - ★★★
Defeat Norn Bercant
Dimensional Circle - ★★★
Defeat Kaiser Crimson
Lawless Zone Exploration
Raid Nebula Island (100)
Region Exploration 1
Raid Bercant Manor (30)
Defeat Treant Warrior Chief
Participate in Peipor Harvest Festival
Region Exploration 2
Raid Crimson Manor (30)
Defeat Mutant Killer
Participate in Best Way to Prevent the Worst
Manticus Brothers
Defeat Akman
Defeat Deckman
Dungeon Exploration 1
Raid Temple of Truth (30)
Defeat Shrouded Knight-Master Golem
Defeat Elite Grinding Golem
Dungeon Exploration 2
Raid Bercant Estate (30)
Defeat Lord Commander
Defeat Guard Captain
Dungeon Exploration 3
Raid Crimson Mansion (30)
Defeat Eccentric Gourmand
Defeat Monstrous Wraith
Dungeon Exploration 4
Defeat Mutant Chef
Defeat Wraith Harbinger
Pass rewards