ID: 195462880
Clay's Trail
icon Codex Task
Type: Adventure
Category: Chapter 10: Nightmare Déjà Vu
Required level: 1

Prerequisite Tasks
Encounter with the Giant Star
Prerequisite for
Appendix ▶ Mother and Son's Hearts
Appendix ▶ Weekly Mission
The Arkeum Legion has started a war all across Solisium, aiming to take the Stars of Sylaveth. Under DaVinci's command, the Resistance has successfully defended Laslan, but most of Solisium remains trapped under the influence of Arkeum.
Objective List
- Place Clay's Bag where it belongs
- Set down Destroyed Lunar-0
- Witness events of the past using the Infinity Wheel
- Exit Clay's Office
- Title - Nightmare Survivor
113,108 EXP
- Rare Lv. 2 Weapon Selection Chest
113,108 EXP

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