ID: 2011450737
Investigating the Trading Post Supplies
icon Codex Task
Type: Adventure
Category: Chapter 13: Wounded Reunion
Required level: 1

Prerequisite Tasks
Finding Canary
Prerequisite for
Unexpected Guest
To find Clay, Chamir suggested investigating the trading post that contained the smuggled Arkeum supplies. Inside the uniquely marked chest found in the trade was an order from Bonia Naru and some suspicious bottles. When you opened one of them, a red mist-like energy flowed out.
Objective List
- Defeat Bonia Naru's Henchman at to collect the chest key
- Use [Action.ActionUIC_Interaction]piton at to go to the 2F
- Investigate the Dwarven Supply Chest at 2F
- Investigate the Dwarven Supply Chest at 2F
- Investigate the Sealed Bottle
- Precious Base Material Selection Chest
509,311 EXP
- Weapon Mastery Seal: 10,000 points
509,311 EXP

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