ID: 2408419313
Return of a Masterpiece
icon Codex Task
Type: Adventure
Category: Chapter 6: The Song of the Vienta Dwarves
Required level: 1

Prerequisite Tasks
Retrieve the Bandits' Stolen Items
Prerequisite for
Find Golem's Heart Fragment 1
Upon reading the lyrics, Henderson said he'd heard that Sienna, a comrade of his, had broken the heart-shaped stone into pieces and hidden them away. Apparently, the pieces can be collected and put back together using a device in the Chapel. He told you to remember the following lyrics: "Let's fuse the heart pieces! Three, two, one! The Golem will rise when the heart is done!"
Objective List
- Speak with Henderson the Bard in
- Rare Armor Growthstone
35,030 EXP
- Quality Skill Growth Book
35,030 EXP

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