ID: 841726501
Encounter with the Giant Star
icon Codex Task
Type: Adventure
Category: Chapter 10: Nightmare Déjà Vu
Required level: 1

Prerequisite Tasks
Into Another Dark Nightmare
Prerequisite for
Clay's Trail
When Berge the Nightmare Herald fell, a portal opened up and Kazar emerged. With the Resistance on the verge of annihilation, Clay remained behind to fight Kazar alone, buying precious time to allow the Resistance forces to escape through the portal. Since then, no one has heard from Clay.
Objective List
- Advance with Clay
- Defeat Berge
- Speak with Henson
- Retrieve Destroyed Lunar-0
- Return to Clay's Office on the 2F
- Forest Sage Grover
153,028 EXP
- Precious Skill Growth Book
153,028 EXP
- Weapon Mastery Seal: 10,000 points
153,028 EXP

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