ID: 1665218406
Luring Device Mana Source
icon Codex Task
Type: Adventure
Category: Chapter 7: The Sandstorm Overlord
Required level: 1

Prerequisite Tasks
Moonlight Oasis Wizard
Prerequisite for
Unexpected Variable
The Potent Sandworm Poison Sac is also used as a raw material for mana production. It is particularly suitable for a mana amplifier to lure Queen Bellandir because it can be used to freely adjust the emitted level of mana based on external conditions.
Objective List
- Speak to Hatchery Guard Harrison at
- Approach Baby Sandworms while Shapeshifted into an insect, spider, crab, or lobster, and defeat them to collect Potent Poison Sacs
- Defeat Enraged Chief Sandworm
- Speak to Hatchery Guard Harrison
- Speak to Hatchery Guard Harrison
- Mana Regen Potion
108,092 EXP

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