Four Black Anvil Dwarven Hangover Solutions
Written by Jan Moerph
Everyone who suffered hangover would look for a good sobering up solution.
So I have experimented on four most popular hangover cures and filed them into a report.
I hope this helps those who are suffering from a hangover.
Please note that the following is in chronological order, not their effectiveness.
1. Drinking Drake Blood
Drake blood starts to cake as soon as the creature dies, so it's very hard to get pure and clean Drake blood. Many drinkers believe that drinking pure and clean Drake blood before you consume alcohol prevents you from getting drunk. But when I tried it while I was drunk, it didn't work. I was still drunk, and had a serious headache. Then after an hour, I ran to the bathroom to empty my body both upwards and downwards, and my hangover got slightly better. Drinking the blood in prior to consuming alcohol might work, but if you drink it afterwards, expect some discomforts.
2. Breathing in Talandre Gale
There is a saying that breathing in gales of Talandre improves one's blood circulation. That's probably why you see so many drunkards climb the mountain and keep their mouths open to let the wind in. Well, the cold strong wind does help you to get sobber up. But, be careful not to slip when you climb. My back still hurts from my last fall.
3. Holding an Obsidian in Your Mouth
Some people put a little piece of Obsidian in their mouths when they are drunk. They claim that Obsidians absorb alcohol, but when I tried it, I just cut my palate. The pain kind of sobered me up, but I'm not sure if I should call it an "effective hangover cure."
4. Drinking Rock-water from the Mine
The reason why the mine is heavily guarded is because of this water. Bonia Naru only drinks water from this mine, and put soldiers to guard the water. This water filtered by Obsidians is said to be clean and has a lot of healthy elements in them, and cooled rock-water improves your health and cures hangover. I finally had a chance to try this water, when I won a bet with one of the water guards. It tasted like ordinary water when I first drank it, but on the next day, it was as if I never drank any alcohol in the first place! I felt so healthy and fine. I went back to the water guard fellow to ask him about the water, but he was not there, and I never saw him again. Maybe he's in the prison for giving me the water. I would love to try the water again, but I don't think I will ever get the chance.
I also tried rubbing cold Obsidian on my body, but it didn't really work.
So far, the best hangover cure I found was drinking the rock-water from the mine. But I will have to risk my neck to get the water, so that's a no-no. Rock-water from other mines might work, but I don't want to search all the mines just to get some hangover cure.
So, here is my conclusion: the simplest solution for simple Dwarves like me.
Do you have a hangover? Then drink more! Hangover comes to you only when you stop drinking. So keep drinking! Getting drunk everyday is the best hangover cure, and is the best way to live a happy life!
- Jan Moerph, the happiest Dwarf in the world