ID: 2273290872
Stolen Silk Scarf
icon Codex Task
Type: Adventure
Category: Chapter 6: The Song of the Vienta Dwarves
Required level: 1

Prerequisite Tasks
Find the Desert Materials
Prerequisite for
Retrieve the Bandits' Stolen Items
Cavane was delighted to receive the crafting materials and tried to sing you Henderson's song, only to realize he couldn't remember the very important second half. He'd written the full lyrics on a very long silk scarf, but it was recently stolen by the Sandflame Bandits. He said he would give you the scarf if you retrieved it.
Objective List
- Speak with Cavane in the
- Quality Weapon Growthstone
26,273 EXP
- Quality Skill Growth Book
26,273 EXP

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