ID: 4152372109
Pledge Loop
icon Codex Task
Type: Adventure
Category: Chapter 5: A Sacred Pledge of Blood
Required level: 1

Prerequisite Tasks
His Name Is Jacque Hander
Prerequisite for
Ezekiel and Leonardas
You acquired the Pledge Loop and learned about Ezekiel's past. Leonardas killed Scarla, Ezekiel's teacher and lover, and Ezekiel became a legendary Vampire Slayer out to have his revenge. As Jacque said, you could tell that the Guardian was becoming more powerful as you traced his life story.
Objective List
- Go to the with the guidance of the Guardian's Pledge
- Examine the Energy-Infused Necklace
- Examine the Energy-Infused Sword
- Examine the Energy-Infused Dagger
- Defeat Vampire Leonardas
- Vampire Slayer Ezekiel
115,187 EXP
- Rare Armor Growthstone
115,187 EXP
- Rare Accessory Growthstone
115,187 EXP

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