ID: 766014291
His Name Is Jacque Hander
icon Codex Task
Type: Adventure
Category: Chapter 5: A Sacred Pledge of Blood
Required level: 1

Prerequisite Tasks
Blood Ritual
Prerequisite for
Pledge Loop
The leader of Stonegard's Resistance Forces was a cheerful man who felt somehow beastlike. Once you had explained the whole story, Jacque lent you the Guardian's Pledge of legendary Vampire Slayer Ezekiel, but he advised you to find the Pledge Loop containing Ezekiel's memories in the Temple of Sylaveth to strengthen the Guardian first.
Objective List
- Go to Jacque Hander's Office in
- Speak with Jacque Hander
- Exit Jacque Hander's Office
- Quality Armor Growthstone
51,194 EXP
- Quality Accessory Growthstone
51,194 EXP
- Quality Skill Growth Book
51,194 EXP

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