ID: 839972162
Restoring the Heart
icon Codex Task
Type: Adventure
Category: Chapter 6: The Song of the Vienta Dwarves
Required level: 1

Prerequisite Tasks
Find Golem's Heart Fragment 2
Prerequisite for
Contents of the Old Bag
Immediately upon reviving the Golem's Heart, many Arkeum forces rushed in, having sensed the mana waves it created. It was not until after you defeated them all in a fierce battle that Resistance Wizard Sienna Parsons appeared. She helped you absorb the intense power of the Golem's Heart and urged you to use it for good, not evil.
Objective List
- Find the Teleport Magic Circle in the and enter the Underground Temple
- Defeat the Arkeum Legion in the
- Examine the Forgotten Altar in the Underground Temple
- Restore the Golem's Heart at the Forgotten Altar in the Underground Temple
- Defeat the Knights of Arkeum that have arrived to attack the Underground Temple
- Rare Armor Growthstone
126,108 EXP
- Rare Accessory Growthstone
126,108 EXP

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