ID: 3791956281
Infiltration Operation Starts
icon Codex Task
Type: Adventure
Category: Chapter 13: Wounded Reunion
Required level: 1

Prerequisite Tasks
Unexpected Guest
Prerequisite for
Clay Search
You've discovered the suspicious location listed in Bonia Naru's order. This may be where Clay is being held. Search it thoroughly.
Objective List
- Examine the Minecart at
- Ride the Minecart and enter to find traces of Abyssal Bitumen Bottle
- Investigate the dwarven Transportation Magic Circle
- Drop the object hanging from the ceiling to cause a commotion
- Defeat Black Anvil Dwarf Guards who arrived through the Transportation Magic Circle
- Precious Armor Growthstone
138,903 EXP
- Weapon Mastery Seal: 10,000 points
138,903 EXP

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