ID: 1042608999
Clandestine Trade Location
icon Codex Task
Type: Exploration
Category: Black Anvil Forge
Required level: 1

Prerequisite Tasks
Traditional Hangover Cure
Start Exploring Black Anvil Forge
Objective List
- Talk to Waturu at Herba Village Herba Command Post
- Rare Remedy Selection Chest
41,210 EXP
- Interrupt the exchange between Black Anvil Legion and Arkeum Legion at Black Anvil Forge and obtain the key
- Precious Accessory Growthstone
74,774 EXP
- Talk to Waturu at Herba Village Herba Command Post
- Title - Credit Security Consultant
43,795 EXP
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Kiriak 19-01-2025 14:43
To finish step 2 of this codex, go to one of the blue circle markers at night. There should be two magic circles in that area: yellow and red (see the screenshots tab). Wait until enemies emerge from both circles and begin negotiation. Once they're talking to each other, kill them all and loot the crate to get the key.
It's important to wait until both parties are there and talking to each other. If you kill first party before another arrives, second party will not come at all and you'll have to go to another marker.

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Added by Kiriak (19-01-2025)