ID: 2348869653
Clay and Janice
icon Codex Task
Type: Adventure
Category: Chapter 13: Shadow in the Black Mine
Required level: 53

Prerequisite Tasks
Pincer Attack with Janice
Prerequisite for
Stopped Secret Research
You finally found Clay in the secret lab, but he was not himself. Brainwashed, Clay tried to destroy everything, including Janice. At the last second, Janice used the purification potion and her magical powers to restore Clay to his former self.
Objective List
- Defeat every Black Anvil Legion soldier who performed the research on Clay
- Reduce Clay's health as much as possible to find an opportunity to use the potion
- Speak with Janice
- Elite Resistance Headgear Selection Chest
408,008 EXP
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Ehrun 23-01-2025 11:28
I'm stuck on this quest because once the ice prison goes up, Clay becomes untouchable (and by that I mean un-targetable! I can't even target him) and Janice just stands there doing nothing, and there doesn't appear to be ANYTHING that I can do to get his health down! Is there something I'm missing?  Am I supposed to somehow unfreeze Janice? What am I doing wrong?!
keyarz 28-01-2025 17:13
Janice? the crow lady? i remember it has 2 different colors circles/lines show up and you will need to go to one of them to deactivate something (the clue is base on what she said in the chat bubble)

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