ID: 1783117378
The Happiest Day Ever
icon Codex Task
Type: Collection
Category: Near Purelight Tower

The Happiest Day Ever 1

Mom, it was such a fun day today!
When I woke up, I fell and I didn't know what happened, but I soon remembered that I went to bed yesterday in rabbit form.
The morphing magic I learned yesterday was so fun. Rabbits are the best!
I was so nimble and light, I could run forever!
When I tried to come back to my human form, I couldn't do it at first.
But I focused harder and harder, and I finally did it. I was so proud of myself.

After breakfast, I morphed into a bird and flew around.
I felt the wind brushing against my feathers, and it was wonderful looking down at everything from up above.
I even helped a kitty stuck on the branch of a tree.

I had to go back to my human form to go home, and it was so sad to leave behind my new animal friends.
But knowing I could morph anytime I want made me feel special.

When I grow up, I'll explore the world through the eyes of the animals. Then I'll write a book about it so everyone can know what it's like.
Cheer me on from the heavens, okay, Mom?

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sake12 21-10-2024 21:00
Its location has been changed, or maybe bugged right now. IDK, but wasn't there.
Kiriak 21-10-2024 22:08
It's still there. Checked it just now and added another screenshot with different point of view.
To find the exact location, zoom in the map here on the site and minimap in the game. Then switch back and forth to compare the ground pattern in game with marker's position on the site. This helps to pinpoint the location in the areas without the roads and other landmarks.

Oh, and just in case. Screenshots are from KR version of the game.
sake12 21-10-2024 22:57

It should be here?

Link to video

Amazon version is broken.

Link to post on reddit

Kiriak 21-10-2024 23:13
Looks like it's indeed broken in Amazon's version. Thanks for the clarification! Hopefully, they'll fix it soon.

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Added by Kiriak (9-10-2024)
Added by Kiriak (21-10-2024)