ID: 1833711411
Record of Fated Love
icon Codex Task
Type: Collection
Category: Near Starlight Observatory Ruins

Record of Fated Love 1

My dear Julia,

I am writing this letter to beg your forgiveness.
I understand if you resent me for deceiving you. I also understand and accept that you may not want to see me again. Please don't misunderstand. I swear on my honor that I never intended to harm you.
The first day I met you, I had gone to the forest to test my newly made Mimette. I let the bird loose and waited, but it didn't return for some time. As I left the forest, I saw you sitting among the wildflowers.
I was stricken almost dizzy by your beauty, as if I would fly off into the sky just then. Your eyes were like the summer forest, your golden hair like an autumn field. You sat there with a bird with a broken wing on your lap, and I only realized later that it was my Mimette.
That day, when I learned you were a wizard of the Lightbringer Society, I should have revealed to you that I was that which your fellow wizards hated: a Shadowmancer of the Sylavean Order.

But I couldn't bear to see the contempt in your eyes. I told myself I would hide it that day, just that one day... but after that, every time I saw you, I couldn't choke out the words I wanted to say.
I'm sure all my excuses now seem worthless. But I didn't want to lose you, Julia. I didn't want you to detest me. I couldn't tell you the truth out of cowardice, and in the end, you were the one who got hurt.
Julia, I've wandered the desert since I was a child. I don't know who my parents were or even where I'm from. I didn't know when the power inside me would spill out, and all those who did know kept their distance from me. It was the Sylavean Order Shadowmancers who found me, cared for me, and taught me the magic to control my power. I only learned later that their magic is called dark magic.
I suppose you believe my hands are stained with hideous darkness. But my feelings for you, at least, were no lie. I earnestly hope you don't doubt that.


Record of Fated Love 2

Dear Taedal,

I long to see you. I suppose you will come home tomorrow morning, but I am writing in advance because I have something to say.
When I was walking in the forest today and saw a flock of birds, I recalled the day I first met you. Do you still remember? The partridge you let fly that day fell before me and broke its wing. Do you know how surprised I was? That Mimette you made looked just like a bird except for the clumsy flapping of its wings.
Three years ago, you promised not to use dark magic or make Mimettes again, and you left the Sylavean Order. You did all that for me. I thought it was the right thing to do then, but... These days, I regret that I took something so important from you.
The essence of your talent is not evil. The Church forced you to make Mimettes that kill, but there was a reason why you made the creatures as lovely as they were dangerous.

I don't think it is an exaggeration to suggest that no other wizard can make such lively Mimettes. Some might say it's thanks to the Astral Force, but I believe the true reason is that you always observe the world so carefully. That's why you were able to make fish scales and badger stripes with such care and attention to detail.
I like that delicate side of you. And although you would deny it, I believe it would be impossible for you to create with such proficiency if you lacked some kind of deep love for the world.
So if you ever want to create anything like that again someday, I completely support you. Perhaps our little daughter, once she is born, will enjoy having your Mimette friends around her.
I've thought of a good name for her. You said you didn't care for Hortense or Gertrude. How about Ashien? It means "child who sits beneath the ash tree."

Yours, Julia

Record of Fated Love 3

My darling Julia,

I am sorry. I don't want to interrupt your visit with your parents, but this is urgent.
Do you remember Ashien's latest landscape drawing? The one you hung by the table before you left? I found myself staring at that picture once I had put Ashien to bed today. It's drawn so well that I'm certain our daughter is a genius.
I could tell from looking at the picture exactly which spot Ashien had drawn. There's a field of apple trees over the hill, right? That place Ashien was stung by a bee last spring. I felt as if the scenery became clearer the closer I looked at it.
And when I came to my senses, I was standing in that very field! I reached out and grasped an apple tree leaf. It's fall here, but the apple blossoms were in full bloom there. When I walked on a little, an unseen wall seemed to stop me, and I could go no further.
Then, a large bee flew in and stung my arm, and I couldn't help but cry out in pain.

When I opened my eyes again, I was standing by the table with Ashien's picture in front of me. The arm that had been stung was unharmed. It was as if it had all been a dream!
Julia, I've never seen such magic. It's a power of pure creation, levels above what I use to make my clumsy Mimettes. I'm frightened just thinking of how many people will lust for that child's power in the future.
Although eight years have passed, the Sylavean Order is still tracking me. The Church's grasp extends over Solisium, and they never forgive those who betray them. If the Church learned of Ashien's picture... That must not be allowed to happen. We need to relocate more frequently and be sure we're prepared.
But tonight there can still be peace. Ashien is sleeping soundly, clutching a badger Mimette.
Take care as you return. I couldn't stand it if anything happened to you.

Yours, Taedal

Record of Fated Love 4


I'm worried because you're so late in coming back to me. Has anything happened to you?
I shouldn't have sent you so far without knowing whether the Resistance would help us.
Not long ago, some Shadowmancers passed just outside the boundaries of the illusion barrier. It's clear they know we're nearby.
Ashien has fallen asleep after huddling and trembling all day long. She must feel so frightened in this situation.
If the Shadowmancers find this house tonight, and if they try to take Ashien...
I wouldn't hesitate to give up my life for her, but I'm afraid that may not be enough.

Alas. I hear faint sounds of activity from beyond the barrier. This may truly be the last letter I write to you.
Taedal, do you remember the things you asked me before you left? Whether I regretted meeting you in the forest that day, or loving you despite knowing what you are, or deciding to share my life with you?
I regret nothing. Even if I knew then where this path would take me, I wouldn't have changed a thing.
Meeting you was the beginning of my happiness.
Dearest Taedal, please take care of Ashien.

Yours forever, Julia

Record of Fated Love 5

My darling Julia,

It's spring, and the wildflowers have bloomed. Partridges perch in the trees.
The Resistance listened to our story, as you said. Thanks to their help, I've tracked down the Church's Shadowmancers and destroyed those who killed you, one by one, with my bare hands.
Ashien is under the Resistance's protection. I haven't spoken of her powers to anyone.
Like you, she gets along well with even strangers. She laughs readily and has plenty to say. She is always curious about what's around her, and once she's caught hold of a person's ear, that person has to explain every little thing about the town to her. She seems to be growing into a very cheerful and wonderful girl.
Now it's my turn to return to you.
Ashien drew another picture for me. It's a Magic Circle tower, extending infinitely upward. I'm making Mimettes there.
They're becoming more and more like the real thing, the more I practice. Soon, even the gods will not be able to distinguish my creations from living things.
I cannot allow anyone to interfere with my work, whether it's the Order or the Lightbringer Society. I'm thinking of leaving Mimettes along the way so that they will never be able to pursue us.

The Resistance members seem worried when I disappear for days at a time. They clutch at me and spew meaningless stories about reality or a parent's duty.
They understand nothing. The world inside the pictures is no different from reality.
No, in fact, it's better than reality. There are only beautiful things there, and the sun and clouds obey me.
And above all, Julia... you're in that world.
You're there somewhere. I can clearly hear your voice calling me. Asking me to make you a new body so we can be together as before.
Julia, a world without you is meaningless to me. I'm following that path to the top of the tower. I just know you'll be there when I reach it, smiling at me.
Wait for me, my beloved Julia.

Yours, Taedal

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Kiriak 17-10-2024 16:49
Page 2 is located on the first floor of Taedal's Tower (Secret Dungeon).
Page 5 is located on the 10th floor of Taedal's Tower (Secret Dungeon).

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